Industry News

By Ricardo Eloy

Pulze continues its operations as a standalone business

Pulze, a software development company known for its rendering and workflow management tools for the architectural visualization industry and one of the sponsors of the 2023 3D Awards, announced it will continue its operations as an independent business entity. 

Pulze's independence ensures it can maintain its focus on developing innovative software solutions for 3D visualization professionals, separate from Brick Visual's core business of architectural visualization services. Pulze aims to focus on developing innovative software solutions for 3D visualization professionals and the team highlights their commitment to improving the user experience and expanding its product offerings.
The Pulze trio’s impact on both Brick, as artists, and their initiative as entrepreneurs, has been significant. They overcame numerous obstacles and weathered turbulent times to reach this point. I am confident they will expertly manage Pulze as a standalone business.
András Káldos, Brick's CEO

For more detailed information, you can read the full article here.
To learn more about Pulze visit them at
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About this article

Pulze, known for its rendering and workflow tools in architectural visualization, will continue as an independent business, separate from Brick Visual's primary operations. Pulze aims to focus on developing innovative software solutions for 3D visualization professionals.

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About the author

Ricardo EloyVanguard

CGarchitect Editor/3D Specialist at Chaos

placeSão Paulo, BR