Industry Surveys

By Jeff Mottle

2015 Industry Survey - Infographic Volume 2

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Well we all start out as crazy for 3D! But reality starts kicking in when you have a family and kids and everyone expects you to come back to the real world. After doing this for 15 years I still feel lucky and exited about the future. VR sound promising but Realtime it still a thing of the future.
What I find very interesting is that a lot of people are doing this as a 'job' they like to pay bills, not a 'career' they love. Seems to me only 30% are passionate about what they're doing, while 60% are working in this industry because they have to.
What is imagery? Imagine all the possibilities?
Interesting , Do you have any specific chart for India ?
Very insightful.. Thanks for sharing.. :)
I love these info graphs! Thanks :)
People that work less than 30 Hrs a week!!! What's up guys? how do you that? :D
Not everyone works on viz full time :)
People that work less than 30 Hrs a week!!! What's up guys? how do you that? :D
Sounds bit too positive with the Film/VR/AR/Real time push but who knows :- )
interesting that film and animation are seen to be in line for such growth.

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2015 Architectural VisualizationIndustry Survey - Infographic Volume 2

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About the author

Jeff Mottle

Founder at CGarchitect

placeCalgary, CA