Beer renders, non-arch-vis

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en toe raak ek DORS!!!! Nice modeling and render Tom
Not a big fan of MGD, but the render looks great!
Fantastic render. Consider adding a small pool of water at the base? That condensation has to go somewhere!
Great job! Is the bottle all modelled or did you use displacement maps for some parts? The text for instance? Brett Simms also has some awesome renders on hs site if you're looking for other beer images.
Looks great, although the glass is a bit plastic. maybe sharper reflections??? Love the drops, how did you do them? jhv
Thanks Justin. Refl is actually totally sharp on the bottle. I have maps in the lights and wierd funk going on in the beer, so maybe thats clouding the issue. So far as the sweat goes, Im actually not at liberty to divulge the technique! Real sorry, I know thats bad etiquette here and I am usually totally candid about my workflow. But this was a technique given to me under strict instruction to keep it under my hat. Such is life in advertising...
... And if anyone knows of any good beer renderings online I'd love to see them. Thanks! Tom.
Here is a not bad render: I love your render BTW, really good job!
Looks great, although the glass is a bit plastic. maybe sharper reflections??? Love the drops, how did you do them? jhv
That looks good man! Are they using renders these days for the ads and commercials?
No, not yet, they are the exception rather than the rule. We hope to change that asap. There's alot of beer and liquor ads come out of chicago agencies..
That looks good man! Are they using renders these days for the ads and commercials?
soooo thirsty. :P