NOTOS (October 28, 2011)
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asaghost wip
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fabulous !
ahmad hossain
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I am astonished to have seen that kind of image.Basically your materials choosing concept is nice what we think normally but You should explain how you work with psd.
Rohith Sundar
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Wow!! Excellent work!!

art maknev
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Excellent images!!
Johanna Sandhammar
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Wow beautiful! Love the colors and overall feeling! Really nice work!!
Ryan Madridano
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very nice rendering!
mohsinalif vasanwala
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very nice render output and texturing too. i like it.

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hey, yes we used render elements, vrayreflection and vrayspecular to get the wet effect a bit more realistic
thanks for all the coments!

Scott Barrington
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Amazing job! I love the emotion coming through.

kushwanth singh
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Good work but environment is not yet.... Good looking....

viktoria koumaridou
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wow! it is really amazing!
I mostly like the difference between the mood colors among the image. Cold mood at the left side of picture and warm at the right side. alos it very realistic the appearence of wet wooden floor in front of the lounge chair.
It is quite amazing! I have some questions to make. Did you used render elements for final render and approximately how much time did render takes?
Keep going, amazing work!
Mark Daniels
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Great Work!

Margaret Byrne
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This is just lovely!
The curtain in the foreground on the left hand side is a nice compositional touch
I could stand to be hanging out there this weekend~
Best Wishes,
Margaret Brown

Brian Looney
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My thoughts exactly! Also, the wood looks visually, technically great, but is it old and rotten?

AdriaaN van Jaarsveld
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Extremely nice! no crit here!!
Raphael Aguirre
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I have to say it has a great mood, but if it's a perspective done with the aim of selling the house or the architect work, it's not ok. It's rainy, looks cold, we can't enjoy the beautiful view as we can barely see it. When i see this pic, i think: great 3D, bad sell. I don't want to live in there, and that's where is the fail. It should give me the envy of beeing there!
Lasse Rode
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wow great image! i love the mood in you create (as well in the images on your website). Great integration of people!

Gary Ledgerwood
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Love, love, love this!!! Excellent mood!

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hey guys, most materials are from cgtextures, we have worked with them in psd to get them more realistic.
As for the concept of the house, is ment to be a house in the coast of uruguay with a beatigul view, in fact is a twin house, it's twin is just next to it.
thanks for the coments
Shiro Asyrani
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Wow. The Texture, and lighting is splendid. At first though it looks likes a painting. What's the concept of the house anyway?