Maroco style
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Boris Horosavin
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Hi, very nice work, obviously you put a lot of effort in it. I just have two suggestions: I don't know what render you are using but you could try with a bit more intensive and saturated light, not brighter, just more intensive, though I suppose that's something you can do in post-processing or with color mapping settings. But more important suggestion I have is about the door. It is obvious that they are just plain flat surface with some bump on it. Maybe you can try using vray displacement or some similar tool to get an actual relief structure of the doors and not bump.

ja yoes
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no problem, thanks for the input.

Adeel Hameed
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Hi ja yoes,
u did Good work but i feel that the floor tiling is too small or noisy & also outside of window u should put something for example sky or some nice footage........:) but it's my opinion don't be mind....but it's nice work & Best of Luck :).