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J-F Giroux
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Hi sandeep,
blotches can be caused by different things so it is hard to what is causing it ... but if you are using a texture in your domelight, maybe you can increase the resolution value or increase the '' Sampling Subdivs'', that worked for me a couple of times. Keep going, it's going to look great at the end
J-F Giroux
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sandeep singh
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thanks nitin
sandeep singh
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thanks Jean. I was trying to get rid of those blotches on the ceiling but did not get it.
Actually there was a problem that when i was using vray sun then there were not spots on ceiling but render doesn't look smoother and when i used dome lighting then this error occurred.
Can you give me some tips on that error, I would be obliged.
Thanks in advance
sandeep singh
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thanks arie.....i will in mind your comments for further renders
J-F Giroux
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I actually think that compared to the tutorial you fallowed, the ''outside world'' is to visible ... IMO it should be more over exposed ... .. maybe some blotches on the ceiling? .. other than that it look great

arie kurniawan
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nice :) need more improved lighting and texture, good job..

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Awesome work lighting & textures are on the spot, very soft & natural nicely done gud job...