Sunny field
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Karoly Hanzelik
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Nem, nincs Gábor nevű rokonom.
Valószínűleg csak névrokon :)

homologue Ölbey Zoltán
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Te a Gábor testvére(vagy valami rokona) vagy?

Hao La
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True that!

Victor Erthal
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it might have something to do with a premultiplied alpha. Make sure your background is black! That is what uncle Nils alwas says. :)

Karoly Hanzelik
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Thnaks for the comment!
I noticed the problem too, but i forgot to photoshop it. :)
I saved the image as .png from vray frame buffer, and i don't know why is this problem around the alpha edge.

Hao La
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I like the top image better.
You have some fringing problem around the alpha mask. It's really noticeable in the background.