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Dennis Iversholt
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Hi Gergory. Sorry for my late reply.
I am very happy you like the picture.
The snow on the lamp post and rooftops and so on was made with the snowflow plugin with a vray sss2 shader.
The snow on the ground was first modelled very simple in 3ds max, then exported to Mudbox where I made most of the larger details.
I painted a displacement map in photoshop for the tracks and footprints.
The tiny holes/uneveness in the snow is from a tileable normal map made from a simple snow texture.
The ground shader is quite simple. Just a diffuse and normal map on a standard vray material. No subsurface scattering. Just a tiny bit of reflection with a refl glosiness of about 0.6.
In my experience the most important thing to get right is the displacement map.

Greg Rogers
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This is SPECTACULAR. Not surprised to see its your work from your other posts. I would absolutely love a little insight on your snow. IM dying to find the best method for my current project.
keep it up!