salk institute - louis kahn
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stephane legret
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Very very all what you do ( rendering 3d or fotos). Could you share your render before PP. I use C4D as well, without plug in render, but my images don't have a so good looking as yours...What is your secret?
Thanks and bravo!

stephane legret
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very nice job! very realistic, nice mood, good lighting and textures too. It´s a good tribute to this amazing project and architect...

Jimmy Changa
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here it is

mohamad Aminian
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OooOoOoO ' Oooo :D
So nice Post pro !
may i see the render before PP ??

Jimmy Changa
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Nop, there is a basic concrete texture in the render and then i applied this rough concrete and dirty effect in photoshop.
And there is no vray this was rendered with cinema4d, no 3ds here! :)

mohamad Aminian
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you make it in Photoshop or use blend & vray dirt in 3ds max ?

Juraj Talcik
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I love the square format :- ) Great atmosphere.
My only crit is the "dof" used in visually bothers me, since it's kinda unrealistic.

Jimmy Changa
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thanks viktor. did it myself overlaying several textures to get the dirty effect and the different concrete lines.

Andrew Gartland
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Yes, yes, yes and yes! Definitely my cup of tea.

Victor Marchi Mekary
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I love it!! the whole feeling reminds me the future themed movies, their houses and living areas!
I really like your texture!! did you make it or did you find it online somewhere?