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xzd carl
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Agree with that.An nice opus,although a bit strapped.
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I love the colors and the setting. I agree with the comment on the sun, it is rather bright.

Ryan Watson
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Hehe, yeah - don't look too close! I was just goofing around with the Onyx controls. It's a birch form, with silver maple leaves (didn't have time to change it to a birch leaf) - so not super realistic. I agree with the branches comment - looks a little unnatural.
Oana Vinatoru
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Very nice! Love the colors and light. Only comment, branches look a bit off, I'll take a look tomorrow at the trees near my place :)

Ryan Watson
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Thanks David. Good call on the sun - I think the composition would be stronger with the foreground tree and sun opposite from each other to help balance the scene.
David Checkon
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I like the color contrast and warm color, but the yellow sun seems too bright and draws the eye to it and out of the render. Maybe reposition the sun a bit, away from the edge, to draw the eye into the piece. Overall, nice work.