Before building these spaces, it was necessary to test its configuration according to materiality, furniture and geometry to match the properties needs. Several tests of these elements were made during the work of the images of thearchitectural visualization of the Hotel OD Barcelona. In this type of project, the interior renders of the Hotel, helps the designer and the property owner to better understand the spaces, as well as to confirm the design made, not only with respect to furniture but also with respect to the different materials and their tones.
After all these tests, when the design was fixed and the points of view confirmed, we added different accessories to give life to the scene and we performed by detailing the modeling and texturing of every image.
With the clear goal in mind of the desired environment and all the elements of the interior design renderings confirmed, we elaborated the final rendering at high resolution and did the post-production of the images to finish defining the look and the desired atmosphere.
For the terrace images, we went on-site to take photographs of the surroundings in order to get a realistic and truthful image.