Every once in a while, you get a unique opportunity to design something, which is really built to last. In addition, we also had to come up with a suitable technique for presenting the appropriate 3D visual expression in this project. There was no better way to examine the possibilities of fitting up into the available urban landscape than with the specially designed 3D photomontages.
On the other side, we felt a need to have something distinguishable and architecturally unique for the object of such importance. The solution has been found in the transparent mirror-like facade with the unusual structure. Our aim was to achieve the “architectural controversy” in a smooth and appealing way. We had to do both at the same time. On the one hand, the city library had to fit in perfectly in the existing urban landscape. On the other hand, we had to make sure that the same object stands out in accordance with its role and unquestionable importance.
The available space and the height of the surrounding buildings presented a particular challenge. We had to materialize our 3D architectural visualization concept with the strong emphasis on the object’s width, rather than the height itself. Additionally, we were fully aware about the presence of old and traditional objects in the close proximity. Therefore, we insist on a genuine eclectic design, which can successfully combine the modern design with the convenient traditional elements.