Juraj Talcik | Veronika Demovicova - http://jurajtalcik.com
Origin of this scene comes from ambitious project of creating complete classical apartment, renovated and filled with furniture in very modern style where we wanted to model everything possible inhouse, fully custom content. During this project we were contacted by editor Lynnete Clee from 3dArtist magazine, asking if we could not write MarvelousDesigner tutorial for them. We couldn't pass on such great opportunity, .esp when so many people have asked us thorough year to write on this topic, as MarvelousDesigner is indeed amazing tool for creating all kind of cloth assets, and fantastic in creation of furniture for architectural scenes.
Tasked with this, Veronika spent 5 days creating the most advanced 3D bed done to our knowledge, completely from frame to pillows in MarvelousDesigner and optimizing this mesh further in Zbrush.
Bellow can be also seen short animation done first time by us, so be gently with critique :- ) But I hope you will enjoy it, as we plan to dive further into it.
Some technical info for those who are interested in this kind of data :- )
Individual stills rendered on average for 9 hours at 3000px, with sole difference on main perspective, which was printed fullbleed on two-page spread with 6000px width and took 20 hours. For FullHD animation, individual frame at 1920x1080px rendered for 20 minutes, as we didn't have whole month to render it. More than 1000 frames were rendered for animation by two of our strongest workstations.
Tools used range from 3dsMax, Vray, MarvelousDesigner, Zbrush, AfterEffects, FrischluftLenscare, MagicBulletLooks, and Premiere for final edit.
All in,all out, there is more than month and half of work in this project.
Printed and digital version (both very cheap imho, and great value as the issue is packed with even much more coolers stuff than our 7page tutorial) can be bought on 3dArtist website:
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