Cigar Room (Problem with the wood Texture)
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Randy Daynard
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I think the film you're referring to is the reflection. I typically use a fresnel reflection with the map in the perpendicular slot. You should also increase your subdivisions. Hope this helps!
David Alburakay
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Im Using a Arroway "Wenge" Diffuse map, a Bump map and a refelctivity map in these szene.
The only Layer i use is a reflection Layer, with 0,8 Higlight and 0,8 Glosiness.
But i think it have nothing to do with the maps, because when im using a simple brown color
i become the same "grey or white film" on the model.
This is the render without the reflection Layer "texfrensl" just with the diffuse map.
I have the same problem with the chrome material "vismat data" under the sofa is a silver part
that shut be chrome...
Aubrey Millard
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What kind of map are you using to apply that black design on the table? mix map, composite?
Posting your material settings would help. From here it doesn't look like a white film, it looks like a grey material.