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Athanasios Karampitsakos
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Hey Reggie. I put the glow on the lights to give a more interesting feeling on the flat roof (decorator hasn't done yet the final plans.....). No I haven't used toon shader. Thank you!
Reggie Felder
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I actually like the bed sheets. The only thing that bothers me is the glow on the ceiling lights. Feels like its too much, but that could just be me. Also, are you using some type of toonshader? Some objects feel like they have a slight black outline around them, especially the lamps. Not sure, maybe Im mistaken. Maybe you can also show different versions, like a render with only the lamps turned on and the ceiling lights off, could be cool and dynamic :)
Overall it looks great!
Athanasios Karampitsakos
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Thank you Jonathan. Yes the blanket looks like that, but this was decorator's demand in order to like like vinyl-silk.
Jonathan Sanchez
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I like it Than.. the bedsheets look kind of plasticky tho.