Bathroom WIP, looking for more realism

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Thank you all for the comments, if i have the time ill post a final render with an upgraded towel tomorrow, after that its vacation :)
For me, this is very very good looking as it is.....At firts sight it was that is what I think is the most important thing! Now when checking details. Plant - looks a little artificial. Thats everything i may say... really beautiful overall.
the plant is kind of better this time, i echo StanZ, the towel can use some improvement, and i must disagree with JCM. the toilet is like THE thing that gives it some more realistic aspect... maybe show it abit more, or push it abit back keep going :)
great start - looks very nice and i like the mood you've created of calm and tranquility.. i would look at making the towel hanging there a bit more fluffy and maybe add some colour to it ... at the moment it looks more like paper folded rather than a towel - maybe make it longer too ? keep going :)
Very nice WIP, My only suggestion would be a compositional one. The toilet on the left side is a bit distracting. I would probably crop it out of the image.
Thanks, and yeah i've thought about the toilet aswell. Maybe i should swap it with something else that fits better to the image.
Very nice WIP, My only suggestion would be a compositional one. The toilet on the left side is a bit distracting. I would probably crop it out of the image.
[ATTACH=CONFIG]43120[/ATTACH] Now i have done some alternations, personally i think i got a better result but i cant really get that plant to look good enough. Any tips anyone, im using a leaf texture as a two-sided vray material. Regards, Patrik
the floor, the walls and the ceilling are really great and real, those are gd, just the things i mentioned before, and it will be perfect :)
i must say, first sigh really really looks real,well done a detail or two that gives u up... the plant in the corner ? it really looks fake/3D.... and the wood thing on the right, is doubty... and its too clean, considering the many dirt on the floor... if u could reduce abit the dirt, and i duno.... the wood it doubty.... oh and one last thing... the faucet, or watever u call it, the thing that throws water, it looks really 3d. but its really an impressive WIP, well done
Thanks for the reply, obviously i need some more work on the materials. I'll get in to it and see i can make them more beliveable. thanks again.
i must say, first sigh really really looks real,well done a detail or two that gives u up... the plant in the corner ? it really looks fake/3D.... and the wood thing on the right, is doubty... and its too clean, considering the many dirt on the floor... if u could reduce abit the dirt, and i duno.... the wood it doubty.... oh and one last thing... the faucet, or watever u call it, the thing that throws water, it looks really 3d. but its really an impressive WIP, well done