Cloudy Bay House_1

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Thanks Mark. And yes, overcast skies, dusk and dawn usually have a lot more "atmospheric drama" to play with in a scene which can be great fun and the clear bright blue day shots can often get pushed to the way side (something we are all probably guilty of from time to time)
@Jamie. I agree with you 100%, I tend to do mostly mid-day renderings for clients, and I've been noticing a lot of the really nice renderings I see online, and even CG in film is usually an overcast day or dusk/dawn shot where you can hide the CG easier with atmosphere or photo effects. So I may be switching to overcast/dusk/dawn renderings to make life easier. =) Mark. Nice work!
@ Jamie...I agree, it's been a while since I did a "full daylight" scene. It doesn't go down without a fight but this image came together well...not so sure about the other one if I'm honest. We cant win em' all though. @ Julien...with more time I think it would make for a nice animation. Will have to keep it in mind when there is a bit more time to spend on it. Thanks for the comments :)
Nice work, its harder to do a well lit scene and make it look real than one at dusk imho.