Some bathrooms...
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Alejandro Aguilera
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Thanks! Is more instinct than technique really. I suppose that comes of hundreds of hours making and viewing this stuff.
Antoine Desjardins
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These are great. Love the subtle glare. Its enough to make things pop, but its not distracting.
Alejandro Aguilera
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Thank you so much for the compliments!!! I think you are right about the simplicity. I will consider it for the next time.
Erich zumBrunnen
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You've got a good eye for texture, and I like the richness of the color and light quality in your imagery. In the main image that you posted, I'd consider loosing the 2 white glass vases against the wall and possibly the hanging towel on the wall. I love the simplicity of the space. I think the detail in your texture and lighting would be more appearant with out the misc. entourage. You do great work.
Alejandro Aguilera
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Thank you so much! The truth is there's a lot of noise and the joint whit the ceramic floor is not solved but is was made in so short time....
Wim Clissen
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i love the wooden floor!