Maizonette Living - Dining Room

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Thank you all for your comments! ketut: I agree about the fire. Rahat: the plants are overbright in order to give a more contrast feeling. Reggie: Thank you. Nils: I used area filter but I sharpened the image then.
nice image. good work. I agree on the fire and plants though. Maybe its because I'm watching this on my tv right now, but the image looks a bit too dark. Also the edges and corners seem really sharp. What anti aliasing filter did you use?
Looks nice! Lots of soft, desaturated textures. Works well with the daylight environment. But I agree that the outside plants are a bit distracting.
i like everything except the fire and the plants looks like an image and the plants are over is awesome!
very nice 3d....but I think the fire still look patches...less realist