Lebanese new/old house
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Aubrey Millard
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I don't blame you for not wanting to render again :) I just thought I would mention it just in case you didn't notice it.
So far I have only posted one of my renders, click on the "view my gallery" under my name to see it.
fadi kassar
Report Abuse
ya i noticed the fabric but it was too late, i am not in the mood to render again.haha
these are just for fun, but it is a good excersise for my portfolio, you see i am an Interior Architect.
i didnt see any of your work....!! what do you do in life?
see u.
Aubrey Millard
Report Abuse
Quite the improvement :)
Were these for a client or just for yourself?
Patterned fabrics can be a real pain to apply to furniture. The texture is stretching in a few spots, most notably at the back of the chair. I know it's your final render but I thought I would mention it.
I like the layout and the modeling. I'm glad it worked out for you.