Street View
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Nigel Stutt
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Maciej Sikorski
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Well, didn't intend this issue to go that way..
Constructive criticism means constructive - not throwing out emotional statements such as "hate". First of all I didn't say my works were perfect or at least close to that but let's put this aside 'cause this wasn't the issue.
If you look deeper you'll see in your works many mistakes, for example: general blurs on people - whereas it's always issue of motion, you've got problems with contrast and therefore building image depth, your people's shadows are all the same should be more like gradient between sharp near hitting point and soft as they get away from the object and blabla many.
There are many aspects that we could pick up personally, but where's the reason for that?
I meant the vocabulary and self criticism first.
Nigel Stutt
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Where are 'floating people' in my images? I welcome criticism where it's warranted and objective but I just dont see that.
But I do see floating people in your images as well.
Its just a pet hate of mine that sometimes brings down the whole image. I see it a lot. People are extremely difficult to add to images well because they always have different lighting or contrast and can stand out a mile if not blurred and colour changed etc. It was a constructive comment. What do people put images on here for if they arent loking for constructive comments?
Maciej Sikorski
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Well, I'd say I hate reading people hating..
I shouldn't compare images but you probably should look at your own folio and maybe start this "change" from your own images.
Nigel Stutt
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I hate seeing floating people! You people need to be blended into the picture by blurring their edges slightly in Photoshop, and colour changed to a blue to suit the overall lighting, plus perahps tinted slightly orange where they gget the shop light. They could also do with some 'grounding shadow' and darker relection in the pavement. And actually if you were taking this picture in real life all those people would be blurred because it would be a time lapse picture to capture that low level light.
Hope you dont mind me saying this but I think the people are often the thing that spoils the most renders. the rest of the reder is very nice its a shame the people spoil it.
Adam Kaminski
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nice mood!