Small apartment in Scandinavia

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aah finally I got time from work to finish this render. I did this; Adjusted all lights in the scen upward. (sunlight, more photons, and put on a lens shader) Adjusted the AO map so it would blend in better Changed some colors [IMG][/IMG]
Good point on the A/O.. it only needs to be like 4 or 5" at .75 spread for this scene.
Thanks a lot for your input. I will do another render and post shortly.
Nice image! I like the Ektorp sofa! :) I agree with Tron. The sky looks quiet clear which means that you should have a lot of daylight from the window. Therefore I think you ether should change sky map (to a late afternoon) or burn out the map and higher the amount of direct sun light. I should also try to lower the amount of ambient occlusion for the walls and ceiling. If you get time to change it, please upload the result. I'm curious to see it!
Looks good. Try using photographic references to get that next step towards realism. I did a quick edit from a screen shot.