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Alex, No, it is not HDRI lighting; however, I used a free mirror ball image I downloaded from Aversis for something to reflect. http://www.aversis.be/hdri/hdri-free.htm
Thanks for the link! Awesome models to use! Don't get me wrong, the ball is superb too! Although I guess you wanted to get comments on the lighting, and since it looks real enough, I ought to say it looks really good. Was it HDRI based lighting?
Alex, I only modeled the ball. Too bad, I was hoping it was a cg hit! I guess my American Idol dreams might as well be shot... Hehe, the real work of art you can get from: http://forum.jotero.com/viewtopic.php?t=3
Did you use a sculpturing program? It looks really good. Not the ball, the head... ;-)