Swamp Cabin.

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i cant say word nice work
Great work looks like a photo.
Superb nice work bro...share some setting with us...:)
Just amazing, love the subject too :)
Nice job, Alvaro! But i think, that there are some "ghosts" of trees missing in depth or background. May be there must be more ocean?
fantasic!!!!!~ i love it a lot.
Great mood, love it.
Amazing! Very, very nice job indeed! Congratz
Nice. Very believable light and color.
thanks 4 the quick reply mates! got an extra knowledge today. thanks 2u. ~muck
hI, Fog was done in ps, you only have to set a z depth map in "render elements" section in the renderer dialog box in max. When you have it rendered, put it in a new layer in ps, and set it as SCREEN blend moe, play with opacity (in my case was 40%), and erase / mask the zones where the fog doesn't be ok. Regards A.R.
nice man.i wish im good as you on 3dsmax.having a hard time on 3dsmax.good job on this.
how do u did the fog? in 3d or in PS? would be great if u can do some tutorials. =] ~cheers!
Awesome work!
you did a great job. the scene is such clean that it become difficult for one to recognize this as photo montage. :) BTW, I love fishing. would love to hire your boat for a night. :)
Hi, Thanks. In fact the lake house image is 100% 3D, ther is no photo montage. Only birds and the nest made of mud on the first pillar. Regards.
you did a great job. the scene is such clean that it become difficult for one to recognize this as photo montage. :) BTW, I love fishing. would love to hire your boat for a night. :)
Thank you all.
Thank you Ramos :- ) ! I need to step up my game and learn how to separate tree from a photo
Hi, no, all in the background of the sunny picture is the same photo, took in a certain hour and position wich results in very good light. All the lighting settings had to follow this photo to match the comp. I waited to the sun to be quite low, in the afternoon.
Great image and mood Alvaro! Love it.