Junior's Bedroom

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i think we have confused is it junior bedroom or junior masterbed?
Sorry to say mates.I felt like it was a Hotel Suites.For me, 'Junior' is for kid aged below 10yrs. This can be tell with all the toys on the shelve. Maybe u can change the bed sheet to a colourfull texture to elaborate more on the main title which is - Junior's Bedroom. I love the rug, but its not suitable for kids. The poster theme infront of the bed looks just fine. Fill up the box shelve with something striking in color. And put some toy scattered on the floor also to add in the mood. ..Good luck! ~cheers! muck
The modeling looks good. The bedsheets and pillow cases look like plastic, too reflective, same for the basketball. Not a big fan of the ies lights.
Yes....the ies lights are huge!
The modeling looks good. The bedsheets and pillow cases look like plastic, too reflective, same for the basketball. Not a big fan of the ies lights.