Ladies majlis

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Great start, are you using linear work flow? there is something funny going on with the shadows in some places... you can see it on the table in the lower left...
cmrodrigo.....this image has good potential. I don't know how familiarized you are with GI (global illumination) systems, but if you are not, then you should familiarize yourself with it. It will give your images an amazing amount of life once you do. Look up GI and Mental Ray or Vray on this forum or google it.
Are you using scanline renderer? The modeling is ok, lighting is poor and shadows also...use raytrace shadows... Use metal ray with indirect illumination tc
the rendering seems dark in my monitor don't know if it's okey on your pc. the doors look like a painting i can't find depth on the 3d faces it is coming on one plane. just a little adjustment and you're there.