Ligne Roset 3D Scene
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Dimitar Rashkov
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Don't take it so hard. My words are positive and belive me it will help a lot to imporve that nice image.
jhune esta
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for me this work the only problem i see it, is the background part its over exposed, try to render again a bit darker and process correctly so it will look cool to everyone.... :)
jhune esta
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Dimitar, iTs fine to all of us to say and put our openion to all member and their work but every body will done and did their best to to something like this one, with effort and didication even if not but the effort to spend the time and think the design is pretty hard to do it. to say the WORD's CHEAP is not good advice to everybody sorry for my words but like me even my work is not much good and very far away from all of your work its feel bad that after all of our effort somebody will say this WORDS, we have to try to help our friends in CG to enhance their ability to advice what they have to do and not to say BAD because we are good rather than them,
Peace Guys and KEEP our good HABBIT.. :)
Ethan Janssens
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I have to agree with Dimitar, CA is beginning to become to new "lens-flare" phenomenon.. It's being overused.
However, the image is long from bad :)
msje rafajesa
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prety cool....awesome rendering...good job! :)
Dimitar Rashkov
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Too much CA ! Avoid it. It's cheap.