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mimesis .
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You are trully right fact i´m only using a few trees, and the background hasn´t result very well indeed...but i hope to correct that soon!
Once again, thank you very much for your comment and time!
Manish D
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I think density of trees would make a difference . nore dense is good.
mimesis .
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Marlon giron
I´m trying to represent more specifically the entrance of the Museum,in Oporto (my hometown) based on a Jan Versnel photo. It actually has a lot of trees there...
but what do you think ? the trees shouldnt be there?the trees are very heavy in the image?
thank you for your comment!
mimesis .
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Thank you manish!
By the why, let me correct...the photographer it´s Jan Versnel and not Jans!
Marlon Giron
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what are u showcasing? the museum or the trees?
Manish D
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I like the perspective .