Warm Interior
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Satish Jogi
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Not bad, what might help is work more on the yellow cushion. Make it more 'stiff' and thicker, resting on the side arm properly. Also define better the portrait hanging on the wall..
Cristian Neagu
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Great start, add some pillows on the floor will make it more cozy :p. GJ!
Justin Traylor
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Thank you, I appreciate that.
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there is no weird angles in doing some shots it is the way on expressing on it ... nice good start my friend..
Justin Traylor
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Thanks for your reply. Does anyone else have any comments for me?
Adrien Binet
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It's kind of a weird angle but just my opinion. The wall is slightly too blotchy and the fire looks face. There's some noise on the top part of the fireplace. There are some hot spots on your rug which seem out of place. The couch looks too high off the ground, maybe because of the angle of the camera. The couch and pillows look great but upon further look, it seems as if the couch isn't very deep compared to the size of the pillow... not sure. The background and the picture frame are very well done and the wood floor and rug look really nice too.