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Cesar Rullier
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Will you post it somewhere? and let me know?
aris michailidis
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yes my friend.!
Cesar Rullier
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nice, I am curious to see what the native rendered image looks. Its this possible Aris?
Soheil Nabi
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aris michailidis
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Thank you Mr.Gus!!
Augusto, Jr. Destura
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Putting Evermotion product in a composition Mr. Hamid is not bad at all and it doesn't mean that the work cannot be called yours. The purpose why there's some premaid 3Ds is to help and to enhance the presentation. It's up to the artist how he/she will used it. The essence of the image is how an artist devote and put his/her heart on it.
At least honestly he told us that he used premaid 3Ds.
Great work Mr. Aris.
aris michailidis
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Thank you for your comment man!!
Antony Hamid
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What have you done!? You have only put a 3d in a ready scene?
I do not think this can be called your image.