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OK finished this guy up over the weekend and added it to my portfolio page. Need to start working on my Demo Reel for 2012.....ugh...hope I can find some work soon! Other wise just going to keep making portfolio pieces. Next I plan on doing some thing with foliage. I have a basic scene set up and waiting for a nice scattering of trees and grass...oooooooo...aaaaaaaaaaaa..... :) [ATTACH=CONFIG]46262[/ATTACH]
yea i got a few things to fix up still such as that reflection and a piece or two.... what do you mean exactly by easing the edge? you mean the 90 degree angle? make it smoother? as far as the photoshop, i just adjust colors and levels. I did add the toothpaste texture in photoshop though haha and thanks! few more things and i'll have a nice new piece
Looks good! I would suggest easing the edge of the counter to get a realistic highlight and maybe adjusting the camera angle. It's tough to tell what's going on with the area in my opinion. Are you texturing things in Photoshop? Also, the window reflection in the mirror doesn't match. I would try to find a way to render the image with the background so you don't have to deal with post pro reflections.
thanks man! my "cleanest" render so far too. That apartment just beat me down. I just need to learn how to build those outdoor scenes better. Indoor I think I got a good handle on. Glad you like it!
Quite the improvement!
Here is where I am at after about 1 1/2 hours of fiddling inside PhotoShop.... [ATTACH=CONFIG]46074[/ATTACH]
um.... the "dirt"? you mean ambient occlusion......
your camera wide angle is a bit too much for my taste and so is the dirt material giving those sharp edges
OK did my render....did a few stupid things during it which made it take foooorreeevvvveeerr to render that I don't want to mention lol In any case here is my pure render. I'm going to start fixing her up this weekend if I can find some time so I hope to have it done in about a week or so! [ATTACH=CONFIG]46062[/ATTACH]
often I am fine with a "bloomy white", as this is what you often get when photographing too. But - from this POV the window has such a prominent place and takes up a lot of "pixel-area". So I would try to place something to brake up this area. Either inside, or outside.
OK been super busy so wanted to get my update on here finally. I am about ready I think to render out a nice high rez image to photoshop. I'm not sure what I want to do with the window though.... Should I put an image outside or show I just use a bright bloom of pure white? Anyways I rendered this out on basic render settings and fairly low rez. [ATTACH=CONFIG]46014[/ATTACH]
Jason, so far so good, and as you said, still need to add your textures in :) For now, i think for the angle, maybe bring it up a bit higher so we get the see the water in the jacuzzi? S