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ToMa Studio
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thx man.
johnny thing was my idea, everything else was predefined.
it suppose to be painted on the tiles but I've had just two hours to complete the render so its collateral.. :)
at the end they painted dee dee from dexter, cause it's girls bathroom. :(
Manuel Alejandro
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sup, hommie, this is a funny thing u did right here, am a big fan of Johnny Bravo, its cool, but there is a couple of things that are coming to mind, don't know what it is but it doesn't feel right, I think are ure colors,(too pastel) and ure shadows that is making this space not real enough, one more question is Johnny Bravo painted on the tiles or vinyl on the shower glass? cause if its on the wall tiles, i think the tile grout should be showing, whether is a vinyl or tile painted the grout should be marked, looks like its floating on space.. dig the idea though, -big fan of ure other work too..-