1rst Max Vray project for me

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[IMG][/IMG] some modification to the ground/light, am and will always be open for comments... actually its why am posting here ;)
the sky is an enviromment map, and the bitmap is on of the default ones that comes installed with 3DMAX 2009 so ye :P and its stretched... i think i should have applied it on a background plane with its original size the ground, ive used a plugin named Autograss... i gave it a try on a 1mx1m, it rendered really fast. came to apply it on this, render needed not less then 20 minutes of 99% CPU usage, time i cannot afford... the wireframe is just to cover the lack of the ground :P tho i really loved the wireframe car effect ;) thx for the comment
it looks pretty nice cant really critique it much if you were under such a ridiculous deadline.... anything anyone can get done in an hour is good. I would address the ground for sure though and your sky looks really really stretched, not sure if you are doing your sky in post or rendering it with your ibl background turned on. The building itself looks nice though especially if you really only had 1 hour start to finish. Not sure if I like the wireframe fall off to black, perhaps a faded wireframe on the render itself would look better than fading it all the way to blacks and just having a full wireframe of a cg car.
[IMG]C:\Users\POLY\Desktop\Final-wireframe copy-small.jpg[/IMG]