3rd Tiles Render

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Thanks again John!
Ah okay, if that is what she wanted and happy, then quite alright with me! Still a nice render though. John
Thank you Han for your comments. Yes the glasses colour is a personal taste in order to balance the green colour of the pillows.
Indeed the fireplace looks to flat but if the client likes it that way it's ok. I wouldn't do the glasses in a red color to but I gues thats personal taste. Other things and especialy textures look good.
Exactly Fadi, but the client is happy and she wanted an more artistic look, so everything in fantasy is acceptable!
very nice. true a bout the fireplace but if it is added in post, i think u can't really do anything to it (the flames look flat)
Hey John, yes the fireplace is a montague because the client wanted....so I couldn't do much about it.
Texture looks pretty good, but my only complaint is in the fireplace though. Looks like the texture of it overlaps the edging of it on the side. Not sure if it is supposed to be glass, but looks out of place and rather large there. John