3D exterior house

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Thank you for the constructive criticism!) This work was done 7 years ago and the power of the computer is not enough for realism
I agree with all of the above. Otherwise this looks too cartoony.
Nice....but materials need to be a little dirty.
Agreed! Its the roof, mostly, and the walls that could use some dirt.. It would be cool if the walls also displayed some other detail, like stucco, and I think the sidewalk needs a little more bump to it. Lighting, design, color scheme and composition wise, though, .. this is great!
Nice....but materials need to be a little dirty.
As usual, great work! The foliage is very convincing and fits seamlessly into the environment. If I had to make one critique, it'd be that the two tall trees in front of the side extension look like wooden poles. The texture repeat is visible, too. I'd expect a more apparent bark texture.