Grandma's Couch
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Niklas Johansen
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Great, Thanks Antoine! :-)
Antoine Desjardins
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Niklas: check out Fran's blog at (
Fran's blog has been an essential resource for me. She deserves a ton of credit for her work with tutorials.
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Looks great Antoine
Niklas Johansen
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It looks great! Can you share your cloth settings for the pillows? I cant find the right setting to achieve those folds.
Antoine Desjardins
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Thanks Abdullah. I modified a standard fabric material from then created a bump map using the same image. It is a matte arch and design material with ambient occlusion. It took only a few hours to complete from scratch. I used the garment maker and cloth modifier to create the pillows and cushions.
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This is amazing. how did you create the material?. it would be great if you could share the material setup with us. :)