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The building wall is not looking like concrete really. :(
I agree. The texture on the wall needs work. Currently it looks like mold is growing on it via a photoshop brush. It was the first thing my eye was drawn to and I really didn't get over it to see what was going on in the rest of the image. EDIT: At, there is a grunge -> grungemaps section that could help to achieve a better look for what you are attempting I think.
It's this kind of critique that gets no one, no where.
I fail to see how your comment is better in regards to the author of this posting's request for c& fact I would deem it far less meaningful to the creator of this image. After returning to the image and ignoring the building, I think everything else looks great.
nice job :)
I love the composition, really great! If You need some advice... try to use the same texture for 3d grass & ground. Cheers!
thanks boss, im flattered! yap, a few comments on the ground color. will take a serious action on the next project. ~cheers to u too! -muck
Dear Ethan, thanks for the blur tips! y i never thought of if it. i will surely use it from now on! haha ~cheers mates! muck
amazing render
The building wall is not looking like concrete really. :(
It's this kind of critique that gets no one, no where.
Maybe it's my architectural background, but to my eye corrected verticals, so your image is just 2-point perspective look, might look better in certain instances when building is focal point and takes most of the image space. I think it would suit this composition, and maybe slightly (just a bit) higher camera ;- )
Well, when somebody asks for critique for proxy'ing, I just usually look for the common faults that tend to appear when playing with proxy. First of all the ground plane needs a material. I like variation in growth, but when you can see through to the ground, it shouldn't be white obviously. Talking about variation. It looks like to have 2 types of patches, one short and one very long. Perhaps adding 1 or 2 more types of grass to spread it out. Else it looks pretty good. It's also a good idea of cover up the horizon with something.
Thanks Mauricio! the beauty of an art is very subjective. Glad that u love it. ^_^ regards, muck
Pretty cool render!!! I like the contrast between shadows and light, it gives de house a good volumetric perception !!!
I love the composition, really great! If You need some advice... try to use the same texture for 3d grass & ground. Cheers!
glad that u love it. will taken the advice in my next project. thanks a lot. =]
dear Ethan. thanks for the meaningfull comments. Hey, its a good tips indeed! will apply it for my next project.
proxy test. C&C are welcome! thanks.
I love the composition, really great! If You need some advice... try to use the same texture for 3d grass & ground. Cheers!
There's a fist-rule in the movie industry when making animation movies like Wall-E and so on where they're "trying" to approach a photo-real look: -every item in the background is low on detail in the geometry, shaders, ... -every item in the foreground is HIGH on detail in the geometry, shaders, ... If the foreground would have the slightest more of attention, you'd be much closer to a very strong image. Also mention what it is you do in the CG-process... If you dont model the building, but the environment, it's really mention-worthy, cause then we're not even going to check for model-mistakes in the building, that's on "Evermotion" then, not on you. Anyway, there's some good stuff in here, just the foreground bushes and other elements need more detail. Try a blur of depth to blur the foreground if you're not up for added the amount of detail needed m8 ? Always does the trick for me cheers
thanks mate ! it just a 3d library collections. =D
All looks nice and lush to me. I actually feel my hayfever coming on...
thanks MD. appreciate that! =]
I see - the materials and foliage are excellent - well done.
dear MD, the model are just a sample from Evermotion model collection. i did not touch the model at all except the materials. anway thanks for the comments. ~cheers!
thanks for the comments. actually it meant to be gravel. thats it looks greyish. =]