Refract House

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Cool! yeah, i do a little 3d work. Haven't put any up here yet though. Anyway, send me an email!
Thanks, Dalton! Yes, i work as 3D artist now. And you?
Hello efilana, great work. Are you freelancing or anything like that yet? -->
hey Muck! Thank you for your comments! I didn't notice problem with the light at all - thought it was nearly perfect ;) I guess I need to look better! Thanks for your advice!
hi. nice render. just for the exterior scene. the lighting on the model didn't match the background photo u use. maybe u can do a quick adjustment on that in PS using hue/saturation to match the surrounding. The grass should be tone down also to match seurrounding grass. I think that will make your model blends well. good luck! regards, muck