An interior rendering of one of my buildings (Artlantis+Archicad)
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Slam Ey
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I'm not an architect, i'm a lawyer, playing with Artlantis when having time. Sure, if i had more time i would try Max. About your scene, try the tutorials on artlantis web site. Those helped me with materials and it's parameters. Also there is a mirror?
Here is my first render in Artlantis.
thaddeus BRITANICO
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on that window part i cannot identify if that is also a glass or a concrete wall on bothsides from the center. and not to offend glass are to blurry looks like it is full of dirt. and i agree with the doors the material was tiled and needs a UVW map. i don't know how to use archicad. improve the texturing. one more thing the model looks empty.
enjoy rendering!
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There is a lot going on with this scene with the lighting, but not sure if it is just me, but that background looks little blurry. The doors somewhat look like curtains though with that texture.