Living Space
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Mir Ashiful Karim
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Hi! Oanav,
Thanks for your advice. I'll look forward to the references you've mentioned. And figure it out... :)
Mir Ashiful Karim
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Hi! Think3D,
Thank you for your comment. Good to know I'm in a good way. After a lot of hours I've got one comment, which is very exciting... :)
Anyways, I'm new to cgarchitects forum... I hope I'll find good ways in future, and post more works...
Can anyone suggest how and what ways I could improve the image? That would be great! Thanks.
Oana Vinatoru
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Hi, the render looks good, materials and light seem right. now you should work on the design part. The furniture layout and composition is a bit weird. I advise you look for reference interior design photos and copy some real layouts. Houzz for instance is a great site for all styles of interior design. Good luck!
Athanasios Karampitsakos
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Welcome. You are in a good way. Keep it up, study & prectice and you'll better in near future.