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если бы не спринклеры реалистичность бы была не такая...=) Круто...молодец! Дьявол в мелочах...на явный пример...=)
Благодарю, приятно!
если бы не спринклеры реалистичность бы была не такая...=) Круто...молодец! Дьявол в мелочах...на явный пример...=)
I love how low the lighting is. The shadows off the grass are amazing.
Many thanks!
I love how low the lighting is. The shadows off the grass are amazing.
I like the sprinklers. How about someone running across the lawn or steps avoiding the water? I think this image needs a human element.
Maybe you're right, but it's a clean look, everybody home enjoying the comfort.
I like the sprinklers. How about someone running across the lawn or steps avoiding the water? I think this image needs a human element.