Ibn Tulun Mosque

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wooooowwoo :)
very nice textures and render.
Thank alot everybody, I appreciate it :) about the textures approx 75% of the work unwrap UVW, so i did it into Photoshop using some textures from cgtextures.com with some real images of the mosque. Any other inquiries are welcome :)
Dude, it is a prime work. I would like to ask just one question: How did you produce textures for mosque, since they seem to be most delicate and complex here? Did you do ortho-photo shoots of each facade and portion or some other method? Thanks.
Congrats. Nice rendering and post.
Thanks a lot everybody, I'm glad you like it :)
Awesome Job!
I wonder whas those art work according to the original mosque or its different one. I am talking about the design of the entrance.( beautiful flower like design.)
you have concentrated into the work deeply. Even after being affected by riots. you are a piece.
Just Excellent
Amazing...nice work :)