A tribute to Blade Runner...
February 2051 AD,
a minority of replicants who had developed a conscience and aspired to freedom decided to rebel and create an independent revolutionary movement called "Pyramid". The movement's pacifist aim was the unrestricted freedom of replicants from human authority. After violent opposition from the authorities to the emergence of this kind of movement, a purge was decided on for these "fallible" models. Many were exterminated, but a small number managed to escape into the sandy desert, subject to violent storms. The refuge was created from the debris of old factories and cities buried under the sand. Its external appearance resembles an inverted pyramid, with access from the outside leading to a ramp that descends underground to a gigantic room called the temple, where the replicants can finally find peace and refuge. The few who can reach this sanctuary can enter into intense mediation. Powered by a system of "White" solar panels on its roof, the structure was self-sufficient. Its architectural shape kept access to the surface of the sand. Although the authorities knew where this refuge was located, it was never destroyed...
Agent K November 2051
For the realization of this personal project, I wanted to explore all the tools and techniques I had acquired to create a unique ambiance. After creating my 3D renderings, I added details using Midjourney and Photoshop. The interior scene is almost entirely composed on 3DS Max and Photoshop, while Midjourney was used to integrate a character.