Modern Residential Facade

This project showcases a modern residential facade, meticulously recreated from reference to experiment with different lighting scenarios and motion blur effects. The goal was to capture the building's aesthetic appeal under various lighting conditions, from daytime to overcast and night settings, highlighting the versatility and mood each scenario brings.
Project Details:
Duration: 2 days
Software Used: 3Ds Max, Corona Renderer, Photoshop
Objective: Experiment with motion blur and create diverse lighting scenarios to enhance the visual narrative.

Night Scenario:
The night render focuses on the building's illumination, with interior lights casting a warm glow through the windows. The use of motion blur on the street adds a dynamic element, suggesting the bustling urban environment surrounding the residence. The contrast between the lit interior and the dark exterior enhances the visual impact.

Overcast Scenario:
The overcast render portrays the building under a cloudy sky, creating a softer and more diffused lighting environment. This setting brings out the subtle textures and materials of the facade, offering a different perspective on the architectural features.

Daylight Scenario:
In the daylight render, the building is depicted under a bright, clear sky. The sharp shadows and vibrant lighting emphasize the clean lines and modern design of the facade. The interplay of light and shadow enhances the architectural details, giving a sense of realism and depth.
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