We started with a willingness to learn, grow, seek new paths, and to propose alternatives and change. Along the way, we have been enriched by working on amazing projects with renown architectural firms such as Asymptote, Safdie, Gwathmey Siegel, Sasaki, UN studios and others. We are a cohesive group of architects and designers that started dreaming and building our ideals around the experiences we shared from the 1980's. We grew up with the development of new technologies ranging from gaming on Atari, Sega and PlayStation, to seeing innovative movies like Toy Story, Terminator, and most recently, Avatar. We share a passion for architecture, as most of us studied together at the University of Buenos Aires.
The diversity and scope within the field of architecture sparked an interest and love for other artistic activities and design projects; we now combine photography, animation, painting, landscaping, interior design, and many other fields with the virtual world generated by the always growing development of technology. In this way our services allow you to step into the future of your actual design where you will be able to see it in original pictures and movies, a visualization that will let you walk through and experience the reality of what today is still a dream.
We consolidated in 2008, and after working for two years at Archpartners and receiving their partnership, we formed our own space and infrastructure.
We gathered new clients at the national level, and have gone on to win national and international awards. We developed alliances and networks with different architectural design studios, executing projects within the finest and most competitive real estate markets all over the world.
Today, with our experience and expertise, we have become interpreters of dreams. We transform ideas and projects into digital projections at the highest level of quality and detail, as demanded by architects, designers and developers in our highly competitive market.
We assist in the creative process, turning designs into virtual realities that invite the viewer to inhabit the world created by the designer.